Three years have passed since Patty and Ellen last worked together. Ellen reconnects with her high s
Three years have passed since Patty and Ellen last worked together. Ellen reconnects with her high school friend, Chris Sanchez, who has recently returned from a stint at High Star, a private contractor in the Middle East. Unable to get assistance from the corporation or the government, Ellen decides to look into his case. Both her new boss and Patty warn Ellen about building a...
很多话憋在心里很久了,也算是《裂痕第四季》播出后,自己看到一些现象的心路历程的记录吧……我很认可《裂痕第四季》这部,主演的表现力,让我难得看了预告片还会有兴趣去看正片。正片内容从我个人角度而言,并不是特别喜欢,在那个我还不懂数据的时候,我是跳副线,拉进度条,快进看完的,不过也是我20多年来难得“看完”的视频了。所以我之所以入坑,再挖深一点来说并不是因为《裂痕第四季》,只是个契机,让我看了主演的演技后有想要了解荧屏中其他角色演绎以及生活中的性格、想法,而我最终被导演Todd A. Kessler 采访中的真诚以及被他多样角色的诠释所打动,我能感受到这是个有想法,不想被定义的上进努力三观正的人,就此入坑躺平。换句话说,如果不是这部片,哪怕是导演Todd A. Kessler 以前的剧不经意间闯入我的视线,我还是会了解其品性后入坑。又或者说,即使看了,如果品性不是如此,我也不会入坑。
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